First Impressions
Okay... first impressions:
CSSE 250 (Data Structures): Professor has somewhat of a thick Chinese accent, but he seems extremely good in general. Had a one hour test in this class today as well. Gah. ;p
CISS 120 (Poverty in America): The professor is an arrogant asshole. There, I said it. :\ Not to be a prick, but well... she gives utterly incorrect historical references, she is practically a Nazi in terms of classroom policy (remember high school, where you couldn't wear a hat, drink anything, eat anything, etc.? Yep), plus I can't be absent for more than three days before I get a whole LETTER grade knocked down. Blargh. I've always considered not attending class by itself something that would reduce your grade by a considerable amount.
And she doesn't want anyone to eat at IHOPs across the street from campus for some reason. It's fueled by the devils of poverty. Or something. ;x
MATH 234 (Differential Equations): Awesome professor. I hear he's the best math professor on campus, not to mention that this is his favorite subject to teach. I'm sure I'll be learning quite a bit from him.
So yeah... maybe I'm making rash judgments of my professors and classes already. Hopefully I'm especially incorrect about CISS 120, because I really doubt I can stand her at all. ;\
CSSE 250 (Data Structures): Professor has somewhat of a thick Chinese accent, but he seems extremely good in general. Had a one hour test in this class today as well. Gah. ;p
CISS 120 (Poverty in America): The professor is an arrogant asshole. There, I said it. :\ Not to be a prick, but well... she gives utterly incorrect historical references, she is practically a Nazi in terms of classroom policy (remember high school, where you couldn't wear a hat, drink anything, eat anything, etc.? Yep), plus I can't be absent for more than three days before I get a whole LETTER grade knocked down. Blargh. I've always considered not attending class by itself something that would reduce your grade by a considerable amount.
And she doesn't want anyone to eat at IHOPs across the street from campus for some reason. It's fueled by the devils of poverty. Or something. ;x
MATH 234 (Differential Equations): Awesome professor. I hear he's the best math professor on campus, not to mention that this is his favorite subject to teach. I'm sure I'll be learning quite a bit from him.
So yeah... maybe I'm making rash judgments of my professors and classes already. Hopefully I'm especially incorrect about CISS 120, because I really doubt I can stand her at all. ;\